Intrigued? These models mark the start of Amy's work on her collection.
Amy says:
"I’ve taken my inspiration from the idea of what differentiates us physically. This could be anything from a scar, to a cut or a bruise. The idea of bruising I found visually really interesting. There are some amazing colours and textures within one."
In her new work, there are recurring themes present - the passage of time and its physical impact on things and people. The pieces are rich in detail and contrasting textures; they lure the wearer into discovering new layer after new layer, striking little twists and corners, surprising junxtapositions.
Amy is currently working on her rings: "not a literal interpretation on the bruise", but she hopes to "convey a sense of damage".
The pieces have a kind of a dangerous forest charm to them. Their interpretation of decay - the intoxicating mixture of surfaces cold and smooth with the crumbled, scratched and broken - is spellbinding. Once caught, the viewer wants to turn the ring in his hands endlessly and never stop looking...
Photos and drawings by Amy Buzzard |